Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Roger Federer Will Need To Make A Comeback

Roger Federer
To me Roger Federer is the best player of all time.He will win another Grand Slam no matter what age he is.I know that he is at seed #5 and I also know that he lost in the second round at Wimbeldon, but I belive he will make a comeback. I hope that he will put all he has into his next Tornaments.Many people says that "the end Federer has come". I disagree on his website and in his interviews he expresses that he has plans to play for many more years and that he had of winning another title.Everyone knows the saying "where there is hope there is a way ". Federer has left a enourmous history in tennis already.He is known as one of the best players in the game, but since he lost people have stopped rooting for him.Most of the people who are still fans of him know what he is capable of.Even Nadal and Djockavic fans know that Nadal and Djockavic can be #1 all they want ,but they will probably never know how it feels to be one of the best the game has ever had.

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